Thankfully, Technology World Change has nothing to do with that.
We started off the discussion about global dominance ( US vs China/India), learnt how to identify innovative leaders (rising star), dominant players and failures (falling star) and explored the different dimensions of human developments over the years.
I found the behavior model for identifying innovations leaders and dominant players very interesting and true. For one to succeed (rising star), we have to have an open perspective and the hunger to learn and improve. Just like the example of Apple vs Nokia. Nokia phones were deemed the best handphones in my early teens but within a span of 3-5 years, Nokia became out of fashion and Iphone took over. It was because of Apple's creativity and crave to keep improving that led to a whole new definition to mobile phones. However, I think that these 3 dimensions is a cycle that every company will go through as there is a limit for innovation of ideas and soon the company may end up as a falling star. But of course, given time, a company can rise to be a star again.
Another interesting fact discussed in class was about the percentage of the world economy be region from 1AD projected all the way to 2050 AD.
If I had to choose on one main takeaway from my first lesson, it would be having an open perspective to life and strive to learn and improve ourselves is the road to success. Not just relating to business context but also in our studies and making everyday decisions. Just like when one of our classmate asked us if we would agree to human cloning, I immediately disagreed and was convinced that I would not change my stand. However, Professor Shahi mentioned that the debates on cloning is similar to IVF which was considered as "cloning" some 10 years ago. Somehow, technology conquered and today IVF is a very common option to many couples. I was surprised at what he said and coming to think of it, these 2 are similar in a way whereby humans are playing "gods". However, that is not my main concern, but instead the effects and problems of cloning people. Nonetheless, I will keep my mind open as I now know the astonishing wonders of technology.
Finally, I would like to thank Professor Shahi for making TWC so interesting. I give this lesson a 7/10. The discussions were engaging and it has truly provided me with a wider prospective for the word "Technology". I now see how it really affects our everyday life be it socially, politically etc.
Can't wait for more!
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